Tuesday 6 September 2011

Shadowland (TPB) Review

Shadowland seems to have had some pretty bad press recently. A lot of sites have been calling it one of the worst ,if not, the worst Daredevil story ever. I think that's a little unfair and I've got to say I didn't mind it at all.

It basically tells the story of how Daredevil gets reborn. He's taken control of The Hand (who have always been one of his greatest enemies) and it has changed him. How it changes him is a bit of a cop out I'll admit, but it's still enough to warrant a good story.

I thought this whole series was action-packed and enjoyable and by the end gives you a look into what the future of Daredevil will be. It was by no means flawless. The story isn't as good as some other marvel events and there are some parts in here that seem to go nowhere - that's annoying. But it's nothing that makes this book unreadable.

The art in this book is pretty standard stuff but I think it's good and goes well with the tone of the story.

I enjoyed Shadowland. I'm not saying it's amazing and there are better Marvel events, but it is undeserving of this terrible publicity it's been getting.


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