Sunday 30 October 2011

MODOK's 11 (TPB) Review

Super Villain Team-Up: M.O.D.O.K's 11 Review!

MODOK. One of my favourite Marvel characters ever, purely because of the way he looks. He's a giant evil head that floats around in a chair/body? The entire idea of MODOK is hard to take seriously - but that's why he's so cool!

Anyway, you may be familiar with MODOK already, recently he's been on the: Marvel: What The--? videos on YouTube, The Super Hero Squad Show and Avengers: Earths Mightiest Heroes! on TV as well as being a playable character in Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (X360, PS3) - MODOK's been getting around a lot lately!
For those of you who have no idea who he is, or if you think you don't know enough about the guy - don't worry. The book tells you pretty much everything you need to know about MODOK's relatively simple origin. How A.I.M turned employee, George Tarleton, into a big head with a brain millions of years more advanced than any human. Originally meant to help A.I.M, MODOK went rogue. There's your origin right there.

This book follows the story of MODOK recruiting a bunch of other forgotten C - List super-villains from the Marvel Universe to pull off a heist of incredible proportion, while all the super-heroes of the universe are pre-occupied fighting World War Hulk.

So that's the story - but was it any good? Yes. It was brilliant. Diving into a story full of forgotten characters and viewing the story from the villain's perspective makes a change and makes this comic feel very fresh and a bit unique. Not only this but the amount of betrayals, double-crossings and twists in this book not only reminds you that these characters are villains - but it also makes it an exciting read full to the brim with surprises.

The artwork here is standard procedure for the most part and the writing is great and occasionally quite funny.

I really enjoyed MODOK's 11. It has a great balance of action, humour story-telling - and not to mention more twists than a can of spaghetti! MODOK's 11 is a little hard to track down but there are still a few copies floating around on sites such as eBay, Amazon etc.

If you get an oppurtunity to get MODOK's 11 then take it! It's a great book that you have to have in your collection!


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